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My name is Robert Lohdau 
and I am your personal financial advisor.

Individually. Transparent. Independently

My name is Robert Lohdau. I was born in Potsdam in 1981, but I am now a Berliner at heart and soul. My school career, my training and my studies, my professional career, I associate all of this with Berlin. And I also found love here. And so I can currently experience the great magic of once again seeing, understanding and admiring the big city with all its facets through the eyes of my children.
I worked for Deutsche Bank for a total of 14 years and was most recently a senior advisor in private banking and a loan decision maker with a focus on construction financing and complex real estate financing. This position was accompanied by a great deal of personal fulfilment for me, as the direct cooperation with the customer in the choice and, of course, especially in the construction financing of his real estate project and the accompanying witnessing of dreams coming true proved to be by far the greatest reward for me.
Unfortunately, due to various restructuring measures and the strategic reorientation of my bank, I was increasingly no longer in a position to accompany my clients in realising their dreams, i.e. to offer them the solutions that would have met their individual wishes and possibilities. Becoming self-employed was the only option and the right decision for me to be able to continue to live out my knowledge, skills and passion in such a way that it fulfils me and that ultimately your dreams can come true.

Experte Immobilienfinanzierung

Robert Lohdau

Dipl-Kfm. (FH) Banken



  1. Banker (IHK) 2005

  2. Degree in Insurance (IHK) in 2005

  3. Dilpoma in Banking (FH) 2009

  4. Senior Advisor Private Banking Deutsche Bank PGK AG until December 31, 2017

  5. Listed investment advisor according to AnsFuG at BaFin until December 31, 2017

  6. Loan decision maker for the Deutsche Bank private and corporate customer bank for self-employed and employed persons with a focus on real estate financing until December 31, 2017 (good understanding of credit decision criteria and processes at banks)

  7. Owner of MEIN FINANZKONZEPT since 01.01.2018

  8. Seit 01.01.2022 founder und GF DEIN IMMOBILIENMAKLER GmbH

  9. Seit 18.01.2023 property manager of homeowners' association certificate by IHK Berlin 

Robert Lohdaus
beruflicher Werdegang

IHK Berlin
Deutsche Bank AG
Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin

Counselling must be experienced

Advice must be tangible, genuine and focused on you and your concerns. This is my experience after 14 years working for Deutsche Bank as a senior advisor for private banking and loan decision maker for construction financing. It is always my aim to offer you individual, transparent and efficient solutions. My aim is always to offer you individual, transparent and efficient solutions. I pursue the goal of creating new assets for you or expanding your existing assets. In me you will find a trustworthy and reliable partner.

Finanzberater in Berlin und Brandenburg

MEIN FINANZKONZEPT develops individual financial solutions

for you on the topics of construction financing, private loans and insurance.

With MEIN FINANZKONZEPT you will find a trustworthy and reliable partner for your financial advice.

We are in person in Berlin | Prenzlauer Berg | Pankow and with video advising in Brandenburg | Mecklenburg-Vorpommern |Düsseldorf |Hamburg |München |Frankfurt/Main and throughout Germany

Schönhauser Allee 110
10439 Berlin | Prenzlauer Berg | Pankow
Tel: 030 25811844

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