Protect family and relatives with term life insurance
In addition to your personal pension plan, which also includes asset accumulation, it is important to know that your partner and your family are well looked after.
To ensure this, there are a number of pension solutions that you can fall back on when building up your wealth. Term life insurance is an inexpensive way to financially protect your relatives and loved ones. In the event of a stroke of fate, the agreed sum insured in the event of death is paid out quickly and easily. Term life insurance is particularly recommended for builders, apartment and house owners or buyers of apartments or houses. This applies even more to owner-occupiers than to investors.
Catch financial risks with the right term life insurance
MEIN FINANZKONZEPT works in the field of insurance with the broker portal Fondsfinanz and uses the online calculator from Softair. The comparison calculator for calculating your term life insurance helps you to get an overview of which insurance company offers you the cheapest tariff. The comparison calculator will be more accurate in the result, the more accurate your entries are. I would be happy to help you refine your entries in a personal consultation or via video consultation. MEIN FINANZKONZEPT stands for competent financial advice in Berlin, Brandenburg, Grei fswald Vorpommern, Emden and throughout Germany. Talk to me, I'll be happy to help.
Your private term life insurance with
Service-oriented, competent and flexible, I accompany you on the subject of insurance and provision so that you can minimize your financial risks and sit back and relax.

1. Inquire without obligation
You can send your request to me either via the contact form, directly by email or by phone.

2. Consultation
I will get in touch with you within a very short time and we will discuss your insurance issues together.

3. Discuss offers
After our personal consultation, you will receive your offer from me (several are also possible) for your insurance topic and we will discuss this together.

4. Take out insurance
After all the details have been clarified, I will submit your insurance application to the insurance company and take care of the further formalities.

5. Follow-up consultation
I will also accompany you after the contract has been signed and will continue to support you. I am also happy to be at your disposal as a supervisor for your existing insurance contracts.
Types of term life insurance
The LV risk insurance serves to financially protect the survivors in the event of death. However, there are differences and not all risk LVs are created equal. Below are the types of risk LVs and their differences.
Classic life insurance
Term life insurance is a single insurance policy from one person (policyholder) which, in the event of the death of the policyholder, pays the agreed amount to the beneficiaries in the contract. Often referred to as survivor protection, it is often used to provide financial security for family members. It is particularly suitable for single or main earners in a family.
Affiliated life insurance
With the associated term life insurance, two people can insure each other. The insurance then pays out precisely in those cases in which the other person dies. This can be particularly useful in families with two main breadwinners. Business partners can also protect themselves well with the associated term life insurance. The big advantage of this couple tariff is the cheaper premiums. The disadvantage here, however, is that the sum insured is only paid out once if both policyholders die at the same time. This means, for example, that if both parents die, the children will only receive money from the insurance company once. Furthermore, the tax aspect in the form of inheritance tax must also be considered. Linked life insurance makes more sense for spouses than for cohabiting partnerships.
Falling term life insurance
This form of term life insurance is very often used for securing loans. The sum insured is often agreed in the amount of the loan amount and is reduced when the associated loan is repaid. Specifically, this means: If the remaining debt of a loan is reduced, the sum insured for the falling risk LV is reduced at the same time. The advantage of this construction is that the monthly contributions are smaller than with a constant, classic term life insurance. If the loan is repaid and the falling insurance sum has reached € 0, then the premium payment also ends.
How high is the monthly insurance premium for a risk LV?
The amount of the insurance premiums is calculated on the basis of various criteria that can influence the risk of a claim for the insurer. The following features influence the monthly insurance premium:
Entry age when taking out insurance
Insurance contract term -> Risk LVs up to 60 years of age are cheaper than those up to 67 years of age
Occupational risks -> a risk LV for a pilot can be more expensive than for an office worker
Leisure activities -> high-risk hobbies such as skydiving increase the monthly fee
Health risks (previous illnesses)
Amount of the sum insured